FIBE Conference 2023


Max Langtry

Max is an MRes + PhD student at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (FIBE2 CDT). His PhD research studies the optimisation of renewable energy systems under uncertainty, and focuses on the application of advanced computation and optimisation techniques to identify minimal cost strategies for transitioning future energy systems to utilise solely variable renewable generation. This research is supervised by Dr Ruchi Choudhary, and is jointly sponsored by BP and Bentley Systems.

Max has a double first and Distinction Master’s of Engineering from the University of Cambridge, in which he specialised in Computer & Information Engineering and received a departmental prize for his Master’s project investigating the optimisation of energy storage siting in fully renewable power grids subject to full complexity network physics. He is also an Electrical Engineering Supervisor and Bachelor Scholar at Emmanuel College.

Max’s research interests are in the use of computational modelling and optimisation techniques to develop robust energy infrastructure development strategies which minimise the costs imposed on energy systems by the management of variable renewable power generation.

More Information:
Talks at this conference:
 12:15 Forecasting for Control of Smart Energy Storage System - IEA Annex 37 Sub-task A ! Live
